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Tips for a teacher

tips, tips from a psychologist

The work of a teacher is associated with emotional and nervous tensions. It is necessary not only to be able to behave correctly in stressful situations, but also to prevent them if possible. In order to learn how to control yourself, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with some tips on organizing your life.

Conditions necessary for mood stabilization and high performance.
1. Do not rush to act if you are guided by a feeling of anger, impatience, irritation, annoyance, etc.
2. In a state of stress, the body has prepared for protection, everything in it is mobilized for intensive muscle work. Give him a discharge: do vigorous squats, movements with your arms, legs - that's the tension and removed. It happens that due to a strong shock, a person is overcome by weakness. In this case, it is better to sit down, relax. Maybe cry, you don't have to be ashamed of it with a lot of grief. Or turn to auto-training.
3. Be able to accept failure with dignity.
4. Don't think that everything is lost for you. Divide a piece of paper into two columns. In the left column, write down in descending order of significance all the negative consequences of the event. On the right is something that can be contrasted with what happened, positive consequences, including lessons learned. Thus, it is possible to distinguish
failure from disaster, turmoil from trouble.
5. Do not exaggerate the significance of failure, do not worry about trifles.
6. If something irreparable has happened, don't get stuck on it. Look for new ways, opportunities.
7. Learn to forget failures. Storing negative ideas in memory is equivalent to slow suicide (German philosopher V. Humboldt). Remember less often, do not worry about events that have already happened. Don't imagine future experiences. Experience difficulties as they come. 8. Work hard! Boredom, idleness, laziness - they tire, this is a reliable way to shorten your life. Switch from one activity to another.
9. Have a hobby. Don't shut yourself up in your experiences. Focus your attention on those around you.
10. Be optimistic.
11. Be able to joke about yourself. This is a trait of spiritually persistent people. "Humor is always a little protection from fate" (K. Chapek).
12. Remember the benefits of order and discipline. Order will not only save time, but also nerves. Be precise, respect someone else's time.
13. Do an analysis of your life. Take a piece of paper and try to state: everything that bothers you and everything that can be done to remedy the situation.
14. Learn for yourself from what happened. Don't make commitments that you can't keep.
15. Do not conflict without a sufficiently serious reason. Don't make too high demands on others. Do not settle scores with your enemies, you will lose in any case.
16. Bring your life in line with your psychological characteristics. If this is difficult, then use the following tips: a warm bath will help the phlegmatic to regain strength; choleric can discharge on the sports field, etc. During the day, you should definitely try to relieve tension for a while.
17. Try to be calm in a stressful situation. You can warn her if you smile more often, get annoyed less often.
18. Try to do good to people more often. First of all, only you will benefit from this.
19. If there is such a person with whom you can share the most intimate, do it.
20. Do not exceed the norm of communication even with the closest person. There are separate norms of contacts, each of them has its own.
21. Forgive insults. Whatever happened yesterday, start today with a greeting.
You can find other tips in literary sources. Find those that are closer to you and try to test their effect on yourself.

Means of self-regulation

Communication with nature.
A person can communicate to relieve emotional stress with plants, animals, the sea, mountains, etc. It is as if he transfers his spiritual qualities to them. By retiring, we can have a silent dialogue with ourselves. It soothes, cleanses, gives an energy recharge. It is necessary to go out to communicate with nature openly, with the attitude of sincere communication.

Communication with animals.
The animal has a number of qualities similar to human ones: emotionality, the ability to express their experiences with actions. Friendship with animals can teach a person many purely human qualities.

Communication in memory.
Communication with yourself in the past, in the future. Communication with actualized images of other people who can become advisers, sympathizers.

Liberation from negative experiences, thoughts through emotional shock experienced under the influence of a work of art.

The use of rituals.
One of the types of self-regulation at the information and energy level. Rituals can be invented by people themselves. Spoken before falling asleep or immediately after waking up, words acquire an inspiring property. Famous rituals: raising the flag, singing hymns, greeting, farewell, etc. Under appropriate conditions, they can perform a beneficial regulatory function, create mental stability in difficult conditions of reality.

Internal inventory authorization
Make a list of all the causes that generate tension, and against each - a condition that allows you to control or neutralize it.

Physical education and sports
Physical training conducted systematically increases the body's resistance to external influences.

Doing any kind of art
A person has the opportunity to communicate with himself through a work of art, to penetrate deeper into his own world.

According to Anya Rubinstein ("Psychosomatics of Laughter"), one minute of laughter is equal to forty-five minutes of gymnastics. Laughter relieves headaches, lowers blood pressure, normalizes breathing, sleep.

Stimulation of positive emotions
To relieve or prevent nervous tension, you need to learn how to create "little joys" for yourself both at home and at work.

A good, deep book can both strengthen and weaken the effect on the senses, help to achieve mental balance.

Music therapy
Doing work, especially manual, switches from anxious thoughts, improves mood.

Music therapy
Music dominates our feelings and moods. It relieves excessive excitability, creates a good mood, affects breathing, blood circulation, helps "eliminate oppressive fatigue and give members physical vigor" (V.M. Bekhterev).

Color therapy
Numerous studies allow us to talk about the influence of color on the emotional and mental state of a person. Each color has its own effect on the human nervous system, you just need to be able to use it.

Accounting for biorhythms
Each person has a biofield, which largely characterizes the human energy. Well-being and efficiency largely depend on the state of the biofield. There are also daily biological rhythms characterized by periods of increased emotional excitability, mood swings, cyclical physiological changes. Ukrainian scientist 3. Grechishnikova, studying biorhythms, identified three groups of people. In the first group, the biofield noticeably weakens from 13 to 14 hours. These are creative people: artists, musicians, writers, etc. In the second group of people, the biofield noticeably weakens from 15 to 17 hours. These are good organizers. In the third group, the biofield noticeably weakens from 12 to 16 hours. These people are sociable. Thus, each person lives by a biological clock. You need to know your watch, understand it and use it for the purpose of psychological self-regulation.

Tips of the "seasoned
You need to give everything to your work: mind, abilities, strength, health, years. And remember it with pleasure. But if it doesn't make your chest ache, it wasn't your job. Every smart and dedicated person is able to come up with something that no one else can do. But this is something - his personality, his unique destiny.

The island of childhood is a land where they don't believe anything behind their eyes, where objects and phenomena taste, color, smell, feel with their fingertips.
Know where all the roads of the neighborhood lead. Do not say about the oak that it is an alder, and about the crow -a kite. It's not polite to nature.
If the diagnosis is incorrectly made by a doctor, the child will die. And if the curator, the teacher makes the wrong diagnosis, the personality in the child will die.
A child should be able to be alone. It is not always necessary to "cover" it, "drive" it to events. But if only loneliness is a tragedy!

Don't get carried away with notations. They do not cause anything in the guys, except the desire to cover their ears with their hands.
Remember: a person is complex, even if he is ten years old.

Never yell at the guys. Remember: a quiet, convincing, if necessary, angry voice, stronger than a scream.
Justice is the main path of a teacher.
Put yourself in the place of happy and especially unhappy guys.
A teacher needs to have nerves that are not strong, but naked.

And finally ...
be with the guys together, next to and a little ahead!